Did you know that. Does hair grow more in summer?

Did you know that hair grows longer in summer?

The hottest season of the year favors hair growth, because the metabolism accelerates in a hot environment. The body, functioning at a higher temperature, improves circulation in the blood vessels and consequently also in the scalp, leaving our hair stronger and in better health.
Beyond this important stimulus, solar energy is an ally for hair growth; hormones such as prolactin and melatonin accelerate the functions of the bulb due to exposure to sunlight which induce extra growth in our hair.

Sun’s rays stimulate growth

Dermatologist Carolina Stano confirms that the hormonal influence in the summer season accelerates growth, unlike what happens in the cold season where the intervention of the sun’s rays is weaker.
The light receptors in our skin receive less light and this condition decreases the stimulus of cell division, a process that generates fewer capillary threads and with greater fragility. The result is that – in addition to a stronger fall – the birth of new threads occurs more slowly.

Invest in products and treatments to help growth

The climate obviously cannot be the only aid for growth; it is good to take advantage of the climate by applying products based on arginine, a substance that strengthens the hair, fights hair loss and stimulates blood circulation even more.
Another valuable tip: use sunscreens for your hair , regardless of the texture of your hair. They are formulated to protect against the types of rays that are harmful to the hair, because although the heat of the sun is an ally, there are some types of light that are harmful.

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