Did you know that. fearless ironing


Currently the trend is to leave hair in its original form, that is, without resorting to chemical processes to change its shape and structure.

Despite this, we leave some pointers for those who like to change the shape of their hair and make it straight.

People with afro-style hair normally resort to this procedure to make it softer, which also makes it easier to use a comb because straight hair is smoother.

Temporary halation: is a chemical process that is released over time and loses its effectiveness. The hair returns to its original shape and structure

Permanent alisoning: is a stronger chemical process, normally done with ammonium bisulfate, thioglycolate, guanidine, sodium hydroxide. These agents change the structure of the hair, making haloing effective for much longer.

Ideally, the halation process should be carried out at intervals of 3-4 months.

These processes must be carried out by a professional, who by doing the test on a small amount of hair, sees the reaction and the setting time.

Important to consider is that some chemicals are not compatible with each other, so before performing any alixing on a hair that has already been cymically treated, its compatibility should be checked.

Do not underestimate that if the treatment is wrong, either in compatibility or in laying time, it can break the hair or even cause alopecia, or total hair loss.

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